As part of our review, we consider the business value being provided by your API and think about what the overall narrative is for your APIs, helping reduce the time it takes for your API consumers to get up to speed on what your API does.
It is common for API producers to be too close to problem as well as the solution and they often overlook what is needed to get consumers what they need when it comes to onboarding with an API, and begin using in applications.
Sometimes a fresh pair of trained eyes can help see what is needed to improve the usability of your APIs.
The name, description, tags, and other metadata exist for your API.
Help you consider who will be using your API and what they will need.
Thinking through what people will be doing when integrating with your API.
Considering how you will organize and discover your APIs using tags.
We evaluate how you are managing change across your all of your APIs.
Ensuring your API tells a story and offers up a compelling narrative
We enjoy looking at the technical details of your APIs and understand how they size up against the competition, evaluating the path, parameters, request bodies, responses, and other elements.
Provide RESTful guidance regarding naming and structure of paths.
Offer advice regarding how to use your nouns and verbs wisely.
Assist in making sure each API operation is as intuitive as possible.
Consider your path, query, and header parameters in our evaluation.
Ensure that you are standardized across all of your API responses.
Help you standardize the schema you are using in requests and responses.
We have the API design talent that you have been looking for--available on demand, as you need it.
You don't have time to get all of your teams up to speed when it comes to API design, and you can lean on our team as your core source of design talent, or as an overflow and second pair of eyes.
We aren't as close to your business as you are, and better able to provide unbiased, outside, and expert critique of the design of your APIs, providing you what need to standardize your APIs.
These are the things we are looking for as we conduct our design reviews, ensuring your APIs reflect what developers are needing when it comes to onboarding, integrating, and putting your APIs to work.
These are a handful of example reviews we have done on public APIs, helping demonstrate what we are looking at when we review any API.